Ad Hoc Mode
A mode for direct communication between the projector and a computer
with an optional wireless card.
Infrastructure Mode
A mode for communication via an access point which is connected to a
wired LAN.
A computer without an optional wireless card can still be used to send
images to the projector via an access point.
Access Point
A point of connection between a wired LAN and a wireless LAN.
If several access points which use the same frequency band are located
near each other, radio transmission interference between these access
point can occur when they are being used, and this can in turn result in
drops in transmission speeds. In order to reduce this problem when using
wireless LANs, the frequency band can be divided into 13 channels for
communication purposes. (The number of channels varies depending on
the country.) However, because interference between adjacent channels
can occur, the channels available for use are normally spaced 2 or 3
channels apart from each other.
Abbreviation for Service Set ID. Wireless LANs that utilise access points
require the setting of SSID identification codes in order to distinguish
between devices which are a part of the LAN and devices which are not.
Abbreviation for Wired Equivalent Privacy. A method of encrypting
transmitted data. An encryption key is generated and is given only to the
person who will be using the transmitted data, in order to prevent third
parties from decoding the transmitted data. Not available with this product.