Configure Branch
9-293810-A2-GB30-30 September 1998
Table 9-5
(2 of 5)
Leased Line Configuration Options
V32bis Autorate: Enable
Nxt Enable Disable
V.32bis Autorate. Once connected, the modem automatically lowers the line rate if line conditions become impaired.
When line conditions improve, the modem automatically shifts up to the highest data rate the line can support. This
autorating only occurs between 14,400 bps and 4800 bps during V.32/V.32bis connections.
The factory default is Enable.
AT command for V.32bis Autorate is S-register S82 = n where n is 0 for Enable and 1 for Disable.
Leased TX Level: 0
Nxt 0 –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 –6 –7 –8 –9 –10 –11 –12 –13 –14 –15
Leased Transmit Level. Selects the modem’s transmit power level over leased lines. The transmit output level can be
selected in 1 dBm decrements from 0 dBm to –15 dBm.
The factory default is 0 dBm.
AT command is S-register S45 = n, where n is a value from 0 to 15 corresponding from 0 dBm to –15 dBm.
2W SQ Retrain: Disable
Nxt Disable 1 2 3 4 5
2-Wire Leased Line Signal Quality Retrain. Forces the modem to retrain if the SQ (Signal Quality) LED is on for more
than the specified number of seconds (1–5).
2W SQ Retrain reduces the amount of bad data sent to the DTE when no error control is used, but greatly increases the
likelihood of retrains on impaired lines, especially when Autorate is disabled.
NOTE: This configuration option is available only if Leased Mode is 2WLL-Orig or 2WLL-Ans and affects only V.32 and
V.32bis modulations.
The factory default is Disable.
AT command is S-register S81 = n where n is 0 for Disable or 1 to 5 for 1 to 5 seconds.
1800HzTrainTone: Disable
Nxt Disable Enable
1800 Hz Training Tone. This configuration option is for communicating with certain modems that do not comply with the
V.32 standard. When 1800 Hz Training Tone is enabled, a short burst of 1800 Hz (AC) tone is sent to the answering
modem to prompt it to answer. This is not required for V.32-compliant modems.
The factory default is Disable.
AT command is S-register S34 = n, where n is 0 for Disable and 1 for Enable.