Patton electronic 3088 Network Card User Manual

S2-3: Annex A/B
Annex A is typically used in North American-like networks, whereas
Annex B is typically used in European-like networks. The different
annexes specify different PSD (power spectral density) masks because
of the difference in T1 and E1 PSDs.
S2-2: Line Probe
Line probe is a mechanism that determines the highest rate (192K to
2304K) that the DSL link can reliably support. This takes place during
training. The DSL rate will be set to the rate that line probe determines.
Note that both the CO and CPE unit must have line probe enabled for it
to take effect.
Line probe could be used to determine the best rate the line will support,
and then the user could set the units for that rate and disable line probe
so that the rate won’t change without the user’s knowledge.
S2-1: Front Panel Switches
The 3088 is optionally equipped with front panel switches for controlling
test modes. If front panel switches are disabled, then their settings will
be ignored.
3.4 Console
The 3088 offers a console command line interface. A VT100 emulator
configured to 19,200 kbps/1 stop bit/ no parity/ XON-XOFF flow control
can be used to access the console.
Through the console, the following variables can be configured:
: The password used to login to the console.
S2-3 Annex
S2-2 Line Probe
ON Disabled
OFF Enabled
S2-1 Front Panel Switches
ON Disabled
OFF Enabled