Paxar Monarch 9476 Printer User Manual

5. At the rear of the Station (end closest to the side where
the cabinet door opens), push the two axle mounts firmly
into the sockets of the rear legs. (Figure 2.) Hold onto
the uncapped end of the axle so the axle assembly stays
6. Place the other end cap onto the uncapped end of the
axle. Press the cap firmly (with your thumb) to temporarily
hold the cap in place.
7. Hold the axle firmly with one hand, while tapping the end
cap onto the axle with a rubber mallet. Make sure the end
cap fits firmly onto the axle.
8. Push the two casters into the sockets in the bottom of the
front legs. (Figure 2.)
9. Tap the axle mounts and casters with a rubber mallet to
fully seat them.
Figure 2
Chapter 1. Assembling the Station