Feature Overview
The SP / TC / GT features listed below
are common to all Century Series Consoles.
• SSM/PMI High quality preamplifiers on balanced micro-
phone/line inputs and on all balanced outputs for uncompro-
mised audio quality and reliability. All IC’s within the audio
path are socket mounted for easy upgrade or service.
• 48 Volt switchable phantom power on all microphone inputs.
• Optional transformers available on all microphone inputs and
on Group, Left/Right, Mono, and Matrix outputs.
• Full Bus assignment section on input and group sections
allow for independent assignment to the Mono Clean Bus in
addition to the Stereo and sub group sections of the console.
The Mono Clean Bus allows for any input or return signal to
be assigned to the Mono output without first having to pass
through a group.
• Dynamic Signal Present and multiple-sample-point peak indi-
cator LED’s are used on all input sections of the console as
well as on all primary outputs.
• Mono/Stereo PFL and AFL system. When a stereo module is
used, the signal is monitored in stereo while mono modules are
monitored in mono. Selected outputs may be monitored in
mono or as stereo pairs.
• 8 Auxiliary Mix buses for use as effect and monitor sends.
Aux Send circuitry has front panel Pre/Post fader switching.
Pre fader signals have internal jumpers to select between a Pre
EQ or post EQ signal (Standard) source.
• Standard frame sizes include 24, 32, 40, 44 and 52 position,
with a 64 position frame available on special order. Consoles
may be ordered as 4 subgroup (8 Module Positions used
including Master Section) or 8 subgroup (12 Module Positions
used including Master Section) versions.
• Any frame size may be ordered short loaded for later expan-
• Direct access to Group Mix Bus allows expander mixers to
be easily patched into the console.
• Full facility return sections includes Gain Control to handle a
wide range of input levels, High and Low frequency EQ, Aux
Sends, full Bus assignment section and level, pan, PFL and
Mute controls.
• Mute system on input channels is designed to mute both pre-
and post-fader signals including those Aux sends used as mon-
itors. When muted, PFL circuitry, Peak and Dynamic Signal
Present LED indicators remain fully operational. This is a fea-
ture not available on many consoles at any cost.
• External power supply with optional shared load parallel
power supply for uncompromised reliability.
• The EQ section includes an EQ IN switch with LED and a
80Hz High Pass filter switch.
• Optional Matrix modules available.
• Optional Stereo Input modules available.
• Comprehensive Talkback section allows access to all primary
console outputs. Additional access provided to an external
location such as an on-stage monitor mixer system. External
signals can also be assigned into the talkback system including
Oscillator and Pink Noise source inputs.
• Left/Right summing switches to Aux 1-2 and Aux 3-4 allow
for simple setups of overdub mixes by allowing Left/Right sig-
nals to be blended with Auxiliary mixes when used in record-
ing applications. In contracting applications, this feature allows
these Aux outputs to act as additional distribution amplifiers
for the Left/Right signals.
SP / TC / GT