Gateway Commands
Set Gateway
Description Configures the gateway.
User Level Admin
Options <config_gateway_host>
You can view the configured gateways that can be deleted by typing
delete gateway ?.
When the gateway is a Network gateway, you must specify the network’s subnet mask
for an IPv4 destination IP address (the address is in the form of or
prefix bits for an IPv6 destination IP address (valid values are 0-128).
Show Gateways
Description Shows configured gateways.
User Level Normal, Admin
set gateway <config_gateway_host> default
set gateway <config_gateway_host> host <destination_ip>
set gateway <config_gateway_host>
network <dest_IPv4_addr>|<dest_IPv6_address> <prefixbits_mask>|
Specify the type of gateway:
z Default—A gateway which provides general access beyond your local network.
z Host—A gateway reserved for accessing a specific host external to your local
z Network—A gateway reserved for accessing a specific network external to your
local network.
When the gateway is a Host or Network gateway, you must specify the IPv4 or IPv6
address of the target host machine/network.
show gateways