Turn on your television.
Press the POWER button to turn on the Internet Terminal. The Philips
Magnavox logo will appear briefly.
The screen will show the Connecting to WebTV display. (If your unit is having
trouble connecting, you may see various messages on-screen. Follow the direc-
tions on-screen carefully, then try again.) Information about WebTV will
Continue will be highlighted on screen. Press the GO button.
Information about choosing items will appear on-screen. This is to familiarize
you with using the Arrow buttons to highlight a link.
Use the Arrow buttons to highlight a link. Press the GO button to choose the
link. Use the Arrow buttons to highlight CONTINUE, then press the GO but-
Signing Up for WebTV
The FIRST NAME box will be highlighted. Press the GO button. The on-screen
keyboard will appear.
Use the Arrow buttons and the GO button to enter your name. When you
finish, use the Arrow buttons to highlight CONTINUE or RETURN, then press
the GO button.
CONTINUE will be highlighted on-screen.
Press the GO button again.
The LAST NAME box will be highlighted. Press the GO button.
The on-screen keyboard will appear.
Enter your last name. When you finish, use the Arrow buttons on the remote
to highlight CONTINUE or RETURN, then press the GO button.
CONTINUE will be highlighted on screen. Press the GO button again.
Signing up for the WebTV Network is an easy process that asks you to pro-
vide your name, billing address, phone number, credit card information, and an
Internet name (which acts as your e-mail address). When you complete the
last sign-up page, you will be given the opportunity to correct mistakes. Once
the information is correct, the WebTV Home Page will appear. You are ready
to begin your Internet experience. If you have any difficulty signing up, please
call 1-800-GOWEBTV.
The PHONE BOX will be highlighted. Press the GO button. The on-screen
keyboard will appear.
Enter your area code and phone number. You don’t have to insert spaces or
hyphens for the phone number information. When you finish, use the Arrow
buttons to highlight CONTINUE or RETURN, then press the GO button.
CONTINUE will be highlighted on-screen. Press the GO button again.