To choose the call rate for the site:
1. Use to select Premium, Standard, Specific Rate, or Default, and press ENTER.
If you chose Premium, Standard, or Default, the system marks your choice with
[X]; go to step 4.
If you chose
Specific Rate, the Set SpeciÞc Rate screen appears.
2. Use to select a rate from the list, and press ENTER.
The system marks your choice with an [X].
3. Press
ENTER to choose View Previous Menu and return to the Set Call Rate
The call rate you chose appears in brackets next to Specific Rate.
4. Press ENTER to choose View Previous Menu and return to the Modify Dialing
Directory screen.
5. Press
CANCEL to exit the menu.
Set Specific Rate
View Previous Menu
2 x 56
224k (4 x 56)
2 x 64
256k (4 x 64)
336k (6 x 56)
384k (6 x 64)
384k (1 x HO)
More rates