page 12
Working Out on the 719e Climber
This section explains how to work out on the climber safely and effectively.
When using the climber, follow these general guidelines:
• At the beginning of a workout, take several minutes to bring your heart
rate into your training zone (see Diagram 11 later in this manual). After your
workout, walk slowly for several minutes to cool down your body and
lower your pulse rate.
• Protect your knees by keeping them directly over your toes.
• Keep your shoulders and back relaxed.
• Hold your head up—looking at your feet or the floor strains your neck and
back muscles.
• Keep your feet on the footpads—moving your feet too far forward may
cause you to bump the cylinders with your knees.
• Set the adjustment knob at the top of each resistance cylinder to a medium
level (between 4 - 6) initially until your muscles warm up and your heart
rate reaches its training zone (see Diagram 11). You can then change the
level to the desired setting for working out.
• Gently stretch your lower body and back after a workout to help prevent
stiffness or soreness.
CAUTION: Before beginning
any fitness program, you
should have a complete
physical examination by your
Photo 1
Working out on the 719e
To use the 719e climber refer to Photo 1 and follow these steps:
1. After you have set the adjustment knob to a comfortable setting and
finished any desired pre-workout stretching, step onto the climber. Make
sure that your weight is balanced and your hands and feet are positioned
2. Start your workout by taking steps 4 to 8 inches in height, at a step rate
that will allow your heart rate to reach your training zone within 5 minutes.
To get your heart rate into your training zone, you might have to turn the
adjustment knobs to an appropriate setting for you.