draft Refers to the draft font.
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange
escape sequence String of characters beginning with the escape
(ESC) character which is used to control the
configuration or operation of the printer. The
characters which are part of this string are not
fast draft Refers to the fast draft font.
FD Fast Draft.
font A group of characters of a given shape or style.
FormsMaster A superior line of serial matrix printers.
hexadecimal Base sixteen numbering system. Digits are
represented by the characters 0 through 9 and
A through F.
interface Generally refers to the connection between the
printer and the host computer. May also be
used in reference to the user interface at the
control panel of the printer.
LCD Liquid-Crystal Display.
LED Light-Emitting Diode.
line pitch The vertical spacing of characters. Measured
in lpi.
lpi Lines-per-inch.
LQ Letter Quality.
MSB Most-significant bit or byte. In a character, this
refers to bit seven (of 0 to 7).
octal Base eight numbering system. Digits are
represented by the characters 0 through 7.