Programming the PT2000 and Top Gun
68 PT2000 & Top Gun PDTs
Serial Parameters
Use bar codes to set parameters for using the PT2000 or Top Gun as a
serial device.
Table 4-2 describes the serial parameters; bar codes for
setting them begin on
Serial Parameters on page 143. (For a complete
listing of parameters and defaults, refer to
Appendix A.)
This section also includes a table of Code 39 and ASCII equivalents for
serial characters (refer to
Table 4-3 on page 70). Use the Code 39
equivalents when creating bar codes for programming.
Table 4-2: Serial Parameters
Xmodem Protocol
The PT2000 and Top Gun support the Xmodem (checksum) file-
transfer protocol for serial communication, which is available in many
commercially marketed products.
ID # Parameter Description
C1 Baud rate Determines the communication speed. The
setting for the portable must match the setting
that the host computer uses.
C2 Data bits Specifies the number of data bits in each
C3 Parity Specifies the parity of the data characters.
C4 Stop bits Selects the minimum space between data
C5 Xon/Xoff
Used for software data-flow control. With this
option enabled, the portable transmits an Xoff
character when its serial input buffer has
fewer than ten characters of free space. Once
all the data in the serial buffer is processed,
the portable transmits an Xon character.