Quick Start
step 5: monitoring and scanning
To monitor a channel, press SCAN/MANUAL while the scanner is
pausing on the channel, or stop the scanning by pressing SCAN/
MANUAL, enter the channel number, and press SCAN/MANUAL.
To scan, press SCAN/MANUAL. When the scanner fi nds a
transmission, it monitors the transmission until it ends.
• If you have not stored frequencies into any channels,
the scanner cannot scan.
• If the scanner picks up weak transmissions, turn
SQUELCH clockwise to decrease the scanner’s
sensitivity to these signals. To listen to a weak or
distant station, turn SQUELCH counterclockwise.
Press SCAN/MANUAL to stop scanning, or press HOLD/RESUME
to pause the scan without losing your position.
earphones / headphones
For private listening, you can plug earphones or headphones into
your scanner’s headphone jack. Do not use headphones with your
scanner when operating a motor vehicle in or near traffi c. Doing so
can create a traffi c hazard and could be illegal in some areas. Some
headphones let you hear some outside sounds when listening at
normal volume levels, but they still can present a traffi c hazard.
To protect your hearing, follow these guidelines for headphones.
• Do not listen at extremely high volume levels. Extended high-
volume listening can lead to permanent hearing loss.
• Set the volume to the lowest setting before you begin listening,
then adjust the volume to a comfortable level.
• After you set the volume, do not increase it. Over time, your
ears adapt to the volume level, so a volume level that does not
cause discomfort might still damage your hearing.