Trunking Operations
AFS Format
Your scanner can translate decimal talk group lists to the much
more powerful AFS format. Become familiar with AFS partial entry,
and your scanning will become more fl exible and effi cient.
The AFS format allows you to enter full or partial EDACS IDs for
powerful fl exibility in all modes.
1. Select the trunking programming mode and a bank.
2. Press or to select EDACS, then press E/PGM.
3. Press or to select AFS, then press E/PGM.
4. Press or to select AFS ON or AFS OFF, then press E/PGM.
talk group ID search range (EDACS)
You can program a specifi c talk group such as 01-011 into the scan
list memory. In AFS mode, you can program the talk groups for an
entire agency by pressing corresponding keys.
You can set a range for agencies or fl eet listings for the scanner’s
EDACS talk group ID search.
To set a search range, complete the following steps:
1. Press HOLD.
2. Use the number keys to enter the agency number. For example,
3. (Optional) To search within a specifi c fl eet, see the number keys
to enter the agency number. For example, “01.”
For example:
You Press To Scan
01.E .........................................................................................all 01 groups
01.01E ...........................................all 01 talk groups within the 01 agency
4. Press SRCH.