The Basics
bank’s talk group ID list and have not locked out.
Motorola trunking systems come in three categories: Type I,
Type II, and Type I/II Hybrid. Each category displays and uses
talk group IDs in slightly different ways.
Motorola Type II IDs are in the form FFF-SS, where;
FFF=Fleet ID
SS=Subfl eet ID
Type I systems are usually organized with different user
groups assigned to different fl eets.
For example, a valid fl eet-subfl eet ID identifying all
detectives within a police department might be 000-12,
where 000 identifi es all police users and 12 identifi es the
Detective division.
Tuning the scanner to an active control channel while
in Motorola mode will display the Motorola System. ID
and the approximate control channel message decode
success rate. This information can help you identify the
Motorola trunking system that you are monitoring and
the receive quality of the control channel signal.
To properly map the raw Type I data to the correct fl eet-
subfl eet format, you must program the correct fl eet map into
the scanner. Fleet map information is widely available on the
Internet for most Type I systems in use.
Type II system talk groups are identifi ed by a 5-digit number.
Valid talk group IDs are divisible by 16. If you try to enter an
invalid talk group ID, the scanner rounds the ID down to the
next valid ID.
Type I/II hybrid systems use both fl eet-subfl eet and 5-digit
formats for talk group IDs.
If the scanner decodes control channel data while
receiving transmissions from a Motorola trunking
system, CNTRL appears on the bottom line of the display.