890-010 12/04/98 Page 90 © 1998 RadioLAN.
A packet is a portion or chunk of a document being sent over the Internet. The chunk
contains part of the original document and the destination IP Address for the document.
The Packet Internet Groper or Ping is a program used for verifying/testing network
connectivity between two or more computers by transmitting a special diagnostic packet to
those stations on the network. It forces the receiving station to send a reply indicating that the
packet reached its destination. It obtains information about the connection by determining the
amount of time for packet delivery and station response.
Routing is the path chosen by the user over which to send a packet of information from one
computer or station to another via the network.
Subnet Mask
The Subnet Mask is a network address that numerically represents the IP Address including
the network address and the subnetwork of which the IP Address is a member.
Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol or TCP/IP is the combination of protocols that
are used on the Internet to transfer data from one address to another.