7. Type a new password in the Password field. Retype the password in the Confirm Password
field. Passwords consist of twenty (20) English alphanumeric characters and the following
symbols: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~.
8. Click OK to save User properties or click Cancel to close the window without saving.
The Default Password can also be changed from Raritan Multi-Platform Client and Raritan
Remote Client (MPC and RRC).
1. Log on to the device at RRC with default user name admin and default password raritan.
2. Click once on the device in the Navigator panel and then right-click on it.
3. Click Update and the click User Password. The Change Password screen appears.
4. Type your old password in the Old Password field.
5. Type your new password in the New Password field.
6. Retype your new password in the Retype Password field.
7. Click OK to save new password.
Note to CC-SG Users
If you are using Dominion KX in a CC-SG configuration, perform the installation steps as
outlined above, and when finished, consult the CommandCenter Secure Gateway User Guide,
Administrator Guide, or Deployment Guide to proceed (all found on Raritan’s Website under
http://www.raritan.com/support/sup_prdmanuals.aspx#com). The rest of this user guide
applies primarily to users deploying their Dominion KX unit(s) without the integration
functionality of CC-SG.
Upgrading Device Firmware
To update a device’s firmware, first connect to the device. Highlight the device’s icon in the MPC
Navigator, and click on the Tools menu, click Update and then click Update Device to perform
firmware upgrades.
MPC / RRC will prompt you to locate a Raritan firmware distribution file (*.RFP format), found
on the Raritan Website Firmware Upgrades page when available:
http://www.raritan.com/support/sup_upgrades.aspx. Copy the RFP file to a local drive, not a
network drive, and ensure that you read all instructions included in firmware ZIP files carefully
before upgrading your Dominion KX.
Note: When a user upgrades a device, the device goes into a "Maintenance Mode." All sessions
are disconnected and the device can execute only certain required software components. This
allows the system to be in a clean, well understood state so that firmware update operations can
occur reliably.
Updating User Password
After upgrading your firmware, the Change Password window automatically appears. Fill in new
password information. To manually change your password at any time, connect to the target using
its icon in the Navigator, and on the Tools menu, click Update and then click User Password.
The Change Password window appears.