Raritan Computer DKX464 Network Router User Manual

Creating or Editing Users
1. To create a new User: On the User menu, click Add User. To edit an existing User:
Select the user that you wish to edit in the user list, right-click on the icon, and select User
Properties. The Add User or the Edit User window appears:
Figure 23 Add User Window
Figure 24 Edit User Window
2. Type a unique user name or edit the existing user name in the Username field.
3. Click on the Group Name drop-down arrow and select a User Group to which you want to
assign this user. If you do not want to associate this user with an existing User Group, select
Individual Group from the drop-down list, and then click Individual Settings to assign
access permissions and privileges for this user.
4. Type a new password or edit an existing password in the Password field. Retype the
password in the Confirm password field. Any character can be used to create a password.
5. Click OK to save User properties or click Cancel to close the window without saving.
Deleting Users
To delete an existing user, select the user that you wish to delete, right-click on the user icon, and
select Delete User.