E-DOC-CTC-20051017-0151 v1.0
Chapter 4
Basic Configuration
64 bit, Hexadecimal:
The 40-bit Network key must consist of 10 hexadecimal digits.
128 bit, Alphanumeric:
The 104-bit Network key consists of 13 alphanumeric characters.
128 bit, Hexadecimal:
The 104-bit Network key consists of 26 hexadecimal digits.
4 Click Apply to immediately apply your changes.
5 Configure your wireless client(s) with the same settings.
WPA-PSK The SpeedTouch™ supports WPA-PSK, which offers three advantages over WEP:
Authentication via a 4-way handshake to check whether the Pre-Shared Keys
(PSKs) are identical.
Stronger encryption types:
Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) (default): Instead of using a
fixed WEP key, TKIP uses in pairs temporary session keys which are
derived from the PSK during the 4-way handshake. For each packet
it uses a different key. TKIP also provides a message integrity check
(MIC) and a rekeying mechanism (in seconds).
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): State-of-the-art encryption;
can only be used if all wireless devices in your WLAN support AES.
Message Integrity Check (MIC). Which is a strong mathematical function in
which the recipient and transmitter each compute and compare the MIC. If
they don't match it is assumed that a third person has been trying to read the
Proceed as follows to enable WPA-PSK:
1 Select Use WPA-PSK Encryption.
2 In the WPA-PSK Encryption Key box, type a pass phrase (also known as Pre-
shared key) of your choice. The pass phrase must consist of 8 to 63 ASCII
characters or 64 HEX digits.
3 In the WPA-PSK Version list, click the desired WPA-PSK version.
4 Click Apply to immediately apply your changes.
5 Configure your wireless client(s) with the same settings.
WPA Encryption Proceed as follows to enable WPA Encryption:
1 Select Use WPA Encryption.
2 In the WPA Radius IP box, type the WPA Radius IP.
3 In the WPA Radius Port box, type the WPA Radius Port.
4 In the WPA Radius Key box, type the WPA Radius Key.
Depending on the WPA-PSK version you choose, one of the following
WPA-PSK encryption will be set automatically:
AES is not yet implemented in most clients but it is in the
SpeedTouch™ because it will be the future security standard.