
Section 5 Command-line Functions
5.1 Table and Symbol Description
This section describes the format used in section 5.2, Command Descriptions. The descriptions of
some commands are given over two or more pages.
5.1.1 Format
The input format for each command is as follows. Characters shown in bold-italics are to be
[ ] : Parameters enclosed by [ ] can be omitted.
< > : Contents shown in < > are set.
< >=: The parameter to the left of the "=" sign is input in the format shown to the right.
| : This represents a non-exclusive selection.
| | : This represents an exclusive selection.
The command parameter details are described in the parameter table.
5.1.2 Parameter Input
Numerical Parameters:
A binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal value, a symbol, or a formula can be input. A symbol
can contain up to 32 characters. Terms in a formula are separated with operators (such as + or –).
Keyword Parameters:
One of the bold characters given in the description column of the table can be input. If a character
string not shown in the description is input, an error will occur.
Character-String Parameters:
Character-string parameters are used to input mask data or a file name. In the mask data, set a
radix (H’: hexadecimal or B’: binary) at the top of a character string and set * at the digit to be