Print Mode
Command Structure <ESC>PMa
a = 0 Continuous
1 Tear-Off
2 Cut, Backfeed after print
3 Cut, Backfeed before print
4 Cut, no Backfeed
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 Dispense, Backfeed after print
8 Dispense, Backfeed before print
Example: See above
Placement: Separate data stream sent to printer
Default: Default value set by <ESC>PG command
Command Function To set the print mode for a job.
Input to Printer
Printer Output There is no printer output as a result of this command.
Special Notes 1. When power is cycled, the value set by this command is lost and
replaced by the default value stored in the EEPROM.
2. To change the value stored in the EEPROM, use the <ESC>PG
Printer Setting command or use the Printer Setting Utility program
contained on the CDROM shipped with the printer.
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