CSa Print Speed Selection. Specifies a unique print speed in in./sec.
through software for a particular label.
Page 4-61
CT400 CT410
a = Speed Setting 1 = 2 ips
2 = 3 ips
3 = 4 ips
4 = 5 ips
5 = 6 ips
1 = 2 ips
2 = 3 ips
3 = 4 ips
CTaaaa CUT. Specifies the number of labels between cuts. Differs from “~” cut
command in that the number of labels printed is independent of the Q
quantity command.
aaaa = Noumber of labels between cuts. (0 - 9999)
Pahge 4-32
Dabbcccd Bar Codes. Prints 1:2 ratio bar code. For UPC and EAN bar codes,
this will add descender bars. For values a, bb, ccc and d see
instructions for Babbcccd.
Page 4-9
DCxx...x Data Matrix. Print Data. Prints data using Data Matrix format specified
in BX Data Format command.
xx...x = Data to be printed. Cannot exceed 500 characters.
Page 4-74
Eaaa Line Feed. Provides the ability to print multiple lines of the same
character size without specifying a new print position for each line.
aaa = Number of dots (1-999) between the bottom of the
characters on one line to the top of the characters on the
next line.
Page 4-52
Sequential Numbering. Allows the printing of sequencing fields (text,
bar codes) where all incrementing is done within the printer.
aaaa = Number of times to repeat the same data (0001-9999)
b = Plus or minus symbol (+ for increments; - for decrements)
cccc = Value of step for sequence (001-9999)
dd = No. of digits for sequential numbering (01-99, default = 8)
ee = No. of digits free from sequential numbering (01-99, default = 0)
f = Numbering system
0 Numeric (0 - 9)
1 Hexadecimal (0 - F)
Page 4-68
FWaaHbbbb Horizontal Line. Prints a horizontal line. Units of measurement are
Page 4-48
CT400 CT410
aa = Width of Horizontal Line 01 to 99
bbbb = Length of Horizontal Line 0001-0832 0001-1248
Appendix A: Command Quick Reference
Page A-49001069A SATOCTSeriesPrinters