Sun Microsystems 3 Tablet Accessory User Manual

Conductor Script Command Summary
Appendix A Conductor Script Commands 265
FindNode node_name Set the specified node as
the current node. The
node must exist in the
page 285
FindPrimary —— Set the primary engine
unit for the current
engine as the current
component. The primary
unit must be ONLINE.
page 285
FindUnit unit_name Set the specified engine
unit for the current
engine as the current
component. The engine
unit must be running.
page 286
SetPrimary unit_name Set the specified engine
unit for the current
engine as the primary
unit. This will change the
states of the engine units
to make the specified
unit ONLINE.
page 301
ShowConfiguration —— Display contents of the
configuration file of the
current engine. (No
engine components need
be running for this
command to work.)
page 309
ShowStatus —— Display status of the
current engine. (No
engine components need
be running for this
command to work.)
page 309
Shutdown —— Shut down the current
engine. This shuts down
the governor, all
database services, and all
engine units.
page 314
StartDBService service_name
Start the specified
database service for the
current engine on the
current node.
page 315
Command Arguments Function See