Sun Microsystems 96257 Computer Drive User Manual

96257 Sun Confidential: Internal Only xxi
Revision A
VSM Engineering Website
Extensive and detailed information about VSM, including engineering documents, Red-
books, White Papers, and standards, is available through the VSM Engineering website at Website access is restricted to Sun employees.
Customer Resource Center
The Sun StorageTek Customer Resource Center (CRC) website at provides resources including product documents, software keys, code
downloads, SE tools, and information on product education and training. Website access
is restricted to Sun employees, registered customers with a current warranty or mainte-
nance service agreement, and registered partners.
Product-Specific Documentation
The latest editions of documents for all Sun StorageTek products can be printed from PDF
files available on the CRC website; see ”Customer Resource Center” above for more in-
formation. VSM documents, including those for VTCS software and VTSS hardware, are
available through the path Current Products > Tape Products > Virtual Storage Manager
on the CRC website.
VTCS software documents, including a Quick Reference Guide, Installation and Configu-
ration Guide, Administrator’s Guide, Command and Utility Reference, Messages and
Codes, and XML Reference) also are provided on a CD-ROM that ships with each VSM
system. To order additional CDs, contact Sun StorageTek Software Manufacturing and
Distribution (SMD) at 800.436.5554, 303.673.8600, or, and
request the VTCS Information CD. To order individual software documents in bound-book
format, contact the SMD group.
Product Education and Training
The Sun StorageTek Learning Network website at provides
education and training courses for all Sun products, including the VTSS for VSM5. Web-
site access is restricted to Sun employees. Courses for the VSM5 system include:
VSM MVS System Administration for employees
CRS100267VSM MVS System Administration for customers
CRS-102711Detached Operator Panel (DOP) webinar
nnnVTSS for VSM5 Differences
SVA9500 and VSM Installation and Maintenance
FICON Native - T9X40 Tape Drive.