TANDBERG Gatekeeper/Border Controller API User Guide
D14172.01 page 29 of 84
2.4 The Command-type root commands -
To get an overview of the supported commands within a command-type root command, type ? or
help after the command-type root command.
<command-type root command> ?
Example 2.10
xcommand ?
- User Commands -
AdHocConference DenyListDelete PipeAdd
AllowListAdd Dial PipeDelete
AllowListDelete DisconnectCall RemoveRegistration
Boot FeedbackDeregister SubZoneAdd
CallTransfer FeedbackRegister SubZoneDelete
CheckBandwidth FindRegistration TransformAdd
CredentialAdd LinkAdd TransformDelete
CredentialDelete LinkDelete TraversalZoneAdd
DefaultLinksAdd Locate TraversalZoneDelete
DefaultValuesSet OptionKeyAdd ZoneAdd
DenyListAdd OptionKeyDelete ZoneDelete
To list usage for all commands with parameters, type a double question mark after the command-type
root command.
<command root command> ??
Example 2.11
xcommand dial ??
*h xCommand AdHocConference
Registration(r): <1..3750>
*h xCommand AllowListAdd
Pattern(r): <S: 1, 60>
*h xCommand AllowListDelete
AllowListId(r): <1..2500>
*h xCommand Boot
*h xCommand CallTransfer
Call(r): <1..900>
Leg(r): <1..2>
Alias(r): <S: 1, 60>