TANDBERG Gatekeeper/Border Controller API User Guide
D14172.01 page 62 of 84
IP IPv6 Gateway: <IPv4Addr>
Shows the IPv6 address of the default gateway. Only present if the Protocol is IPv6 or Both.
IP DNS Server [1..5] Address: <String>
Shows the IP address of a configured DNS server.
IP DNS Domain Name: <IPv4Addr>
Shows the DNS domain to which the system belongs.
NTP [status = <Inactive/Active/Failed>]
Shows the status of the connection to the NTP server.
NTP Cause: <String>
Shows an error reason for a failure to connect to the NTP server. Only present if the NTP
status is Failed.
NTP Address: <String>
Shows the address of the NTP server. Only present if the NTP status is Active or Failed.
NTP Port: <String>
Shows the port of the NTP server. Only present if the NTP status is Active or Failed.
NTP LastUpdate: <String>
Shows the time at which the last NTP update occurred. Only present if the NTP status is
NTP LastCorrection: <String>
Shows the last correction to the time that occurred. Only present if the NTP status is Active.
LDAP [status = <Inactive/Active/Failed>]
Shows the status of the connection to the LDAP server.
LDAP Reason: <String>
Shows an error reason for a failure to connect to the LDAP server. Only present if the LDAP
status is Failed or Inactive.
LDAP Cause: <String>
Shows an error reason for a failure to connect to the LDAP server. Only present if the LDAP
status is Failed or Inactive and the Reason is not "Not configured".
LDAP Address: <String>
Shows the address of the LDAP server. Only present if the LDAP status is Active or Failed.
LDAP Port: <String>
Shows the port of the LDAP server. Only present if the LDAP status is Active or Failed.