Tascam MX-2424 Computer Drive User Manual

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MX-2424 3.01 Release Notes
Menu 280: Mix Mode
New "Auto" Modes
Menu 005: New Sample Rates
Menu 522 Meter Clip Mode
Support for 256MB of RAM
Menu 570: Waveform Record
Menu 211: New Title & Function for "Auto Unload On/Off"
Menu 035: MTC Full Mode
Menu 364: P2 Chase Control
Automatic Audio File Prefixes
Faster "Catch Up" Times for Long Recordings
Miscellaneous Enhancements
Miscellaneous Maintenance Items
User Notes
Menu 280 Mix Mode / Menu 801 Mixdown Project Name
The MX-2424 can now record (up to 24 tracks) via its inputs while simultaneously playing back
audio (up to 24 tracks). This new feature is called Mix Mode, and is selected in Menu 280.
This new feature allows you to play back a project through a mixing console, then record the
console's output back into the MX-2424's inputs. You can play back up to 24 tracks and mix
down to as many 24 tracks, all at the same time. It is also possible to play back a 24-bit project
while recording back to a 16-bit project, for 16-bit CD mastering. The MX performs real time
dithering when recording in 16-bit mode instead of simple truncation.
Mix Mode has 3 states of operation: Off, Record, Playback.
When set to "Off" the MX-2424 acts as it always has. Mix mode is not available.
Record Mode
When set to Record, the MX-2424 will play the currently loaded project out of its outputs, as it
usually does. However, the MX-2424's inputs will simultaneously record any incoming signal to
a separate, "Mix Project". The MX-2424 will indicate it is in Mix Record mode by horizontall
cycling the meters' "Signal Present" light across all 24 meters, at a rapid pace.
The new menu #801 lets you specify the name of the mixdown project. If no unique name is
specified, the default generated mixdown project name would be the original project's name with
a "-1" added. The mixdown project is a normal project just like any other, so it can be loaded at
a later time for editing, etc
For an example of some of the benefits of Mix Mode, consider the following scenario: You have
a 24 track project that is routed to a mixer and you want to mix down to a stereo pair of tracks.
The console's stereo output would usually be routed to a DAT deck, stand-alone CD recorder,
r stand-alone HD mixdown machin