Telenetics 2185
Table 3-13. Switch Two Settings – 2185 A
Segment Setting Reason
2-1 Up Control Signal Contention
2-2 Down Asynchronous operation
2-3 XX Does not matter; on for sync only
2-4 XX Depends on line conditions
2-5 XX Does not matter, since unit is set
for async. operation
2-6 XX
2-7 Down RTS/DCD on all the time
2-8 XX Does not matter (Main Ch DTE)
Table 3-14. Switch Three Settings – 2185 A
Segment Setting Reason
3-1 Up Main Channel connection to DTE
3-2 Up Subchannel one connection to DTE
3-3 Down Subchannel two connection to DCE
3-4 XX Subchannel three not used
3-5 XX Subchannel four not used
3-6 XX Subchannel five not used
Table 3-15. Switch One Settings – 2185 B
Segment Setting Reason
1-1 Down Enable Subchannel 1
1-2 Down Enable Subchannel 2
1-3 Down Enable Subchannel 3
1-4 Down Enable Subchannel 4
1-5 Down Enable Subchannel 5
1-6 Up The settings of these three
switches set the data rate
(1. 2 kpbs)
1-7 Up
1-8 Down