100 Precautions for Internet Fax Transmissions
Precautions for Internet Fax Transmissions
Internet Fax works just like e-mail and may cause the same kinds of troubles as e-mail unless you understand how it
works. Before you start using the Internet Fax feature, carefully read and familiarize yourself with the following
y Internet Fax sends a copy of a document to your e-mail server, not via the PSTN* as with a traditional fax. The data is
then sent from the server to the Internet. Unlike traditional faxing, Internet faxing does not involve a direct
communication with the recipient(s). Transmission is considered complete when the sent copy of the document
reaches your e-mail server.
y The security level of Internet transmissions is low. We recommend traditional faxing when sending confidential
y Due to heavy line traffic, Internet transmissions may take a while to arrive.
y The configuration of the e-mail server may prevent successful transmission if the data size of the sent document
exceeds set limits.
y When you send an Internet fax to multiple recipients, all the recipients’ e-mail addresses are printed if the header page
is set to be printed on the recipients devices. If you need to secure the personal information, send the Internet fax
separately to each recipient rather than sending to multiple recipients at the same time.
* PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) is a global telephone system capable of communicating worldwide using copper wires to transmit
analog data.
These functions below are available only when the hard disk is installed in the equipment.
- Previewing scans
- Saving sent data as a file in the shared folder of the equipment by Internet fax (Internet Fax and File)