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4 signals 512 samples
8 signals 256 samples
2) Signal Name: Specify the saved signal name.
Click a signal name to display a list of selectable signal names.
Then select a name from the list and double click to confirm.
3) Select Hi Speed/STD Speed sampling time
Click STD Speed to select standard sampling speed
Click Hi Speed to select High sampling speed
Normally, select standard sampling (1mSec).
With high speed sampling, there is a restriction on the selectable signal names.
Whether standard sampling or high speed sampling is currently selected is displayed below.
4) Trigger condition
In the window on the previous page, trigger conditions where:
(1) Trigger signal 0x0000
(2) Trigger mode Boolean
(3) Trigger type Level Trigger
(4) Trigger bit "0"
(5) Pre-trigger "0"
In other words data save start when there is a level trigger with the 0th bit of signal 0x0000 set
to 1.
The following trigger modes are available:
Trigger when Boolean bit signal is 1 (specify the bit with the trigger bit)
Trigger when Inverted Boolean bit signal is 0 (specify the bit with the trigger bit)
Trigger when "equal" signal is at trigger level
Trigger when "Not equal" signal is different from trigger level
Trigger when "Greater Than" signal is greater than trigger level
Trigger when "Less Than" signal is less than trigger level
The following trigger types are available:
Trigger when edge trigger signal changes
Trigger at level trigger signal level
Setting the time
Set to full scale (time from end to end of the window).
Also set the re-enable time. Re-enable time is the time until trigger becomes ready after there is
a trigger. (Normally, this is not used. To use, check Re-Enable.)
Status display
Displays the current status.
(1) Data Empty: Status when there is no data.
(2) Data Triggered: Triggered status.
(3) Trigger Ready: Waiting for a trigger.
Normally, the trigger condition and signal name are set during Data Empty status and the Set
Trigger button is clicked to enter the Trigger Ready status. The button becomes Reset Trigger.
When there is a trigger, the status becomes Data Triggered and the Display button is enabled.
At this point, click the Display button to display the graph.