Chapter 3. Quick Start 17
3 Quick Start
3.1 Basic Overview
3.1.1 The player’s controls
Throughout this manual, the buttons on the player are labelled according to the
picture above. Whenever a button name is prefixed by “Long”, a long press of approx-
imately one second should be performed on that button. The buttons are described in
detail in the following paragraph.
Additional information for blind users is available on the Rockbox website at ZBlindFAQ.
Hold the player with the screen on top and the controls on the right hand side. Below
the screen is a cross-shaped touch sensitive pad which contains the Up, Down, Left
and Right controls. On the top of the unit from left to right are the power socket, the
Hold switch, and the headphone socket. The Hold switch puts the player into hold
mode when it is switched to the right of the unit. The buttons will have no effect when
this is the case.
Starting from the left hand side on the bottom of the unit, nearer to the front than
the back, is a recessed switch which controls whether the battery is on or off. When this
switch is to the left, the battery is disconnected. This can be used for a hard reset of
the unit, or if the player is being placed in storage. Next to that is a connector for the
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series