Chapter 7. Playback Settings 50
Enable Crossfade If set to Off, crossfade is disabled. If set to Always, songs will
always crossfade into one another. If set to Shuffle, crossfade is enabled when
the shuffle feature is set to Yes, but disabled otherwise. If set to track skip only,
tracks will only crossfade when you manually change tracks.
Fade In Delay The “fade in delay” is the length of time between when the crossfade
process begins and when the new track begins to fade in.
Fade In Duration The length of time, in seconds, that it takes your music to fade in
once the Fade In Delay has ended.
Fade Out Delay The “fade out delay” is the length of time between when the crossfade
process begins and when the old track begins to fade out.
Fade Out Duration The length of time, in seconds, that it takes your music to fade out
once the Fade Out Delay has ended.
Fade Out Mode If set to Crossfade, one song will fade out and the next song will
simultaneously fade in. If set to Mix, the ending song will continue to play as
normal until its end, while the starting song will fade in from under it. Mix mode
is not used for manual track skips, even if it is selected here.
Note: The rules above apply except in the instance where Fade Out Delay plus Fade
Out Duration is less then Fade In Delay (which would create a gap in the audio).
In this case, the Fade In Delay is reduced to eliminate the gap.
The graphic below illustrates how the different settings work in practice.
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series