TP-Link TL-SG3216 Switch User Manual

port-based: All the clients connected to the port can access the network on the
condition that any one of the clients has passed the 802.1X Authentication.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode (interface gigabitEthernet / interface range
Configure the Control Type for port 1 as port-based:
TL-SG3424(config)# interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/1
TL-SG3424(config-if)# dot1x port-method port-based
The radius command is used to configure the parameters of radius.
radius {[ auth-pri ip ] [ auth-sec ip ] [ auth-port port ] [ auth-key keyvalue ]
[ acct-pri ip ] [ acct-sec ip ] [ acct-port port ] [ acct-key keyvalue ] [ timeout
value ]}
no radius { auth-port | auth-key | acct-port | acct-key | timeout }
auth-pri ip —— The IP address of the authentication server.
auth-sec ip —— The IP address of the alternative authentication server.
auth-port port —— The UDP port of authentication server(s) ranging from 1 to
65535. The default port is 1812.
auth-key keyvalue —— The shared password for the switch and the
authentication servers to exchange messages which contains 15 characters at
acct-pri ip —— The IP address of the accounting server.
acct-sec ip —— The IP address of the alternative accounting server.
acct-port port —— The UDP port of accounting server(s) ranging from 1 to
65535. The default port is 1813.
acct-key keyvalue—— The shared password for the switch and the accounting
servers to exchange messages which contains 15 characters at most.