a Attention: If the DRM authorization of the eBook Reader is deleted, ALL DRM
activations of the purchased DRM eBooks will be deleted from your eBook Reader. In
this case, you need to authorize your device with your ADE ID.
i Note: For more information about Adobe® Digital Editions, your Adobe® ID and the
Adobe® ADEPT copy protection are available under
13.3 Transferring eBooks via the TrekStor eReader Suite
Regular updates, eBook management and synchronization, and direct access to your
eBook Shop - the free eReader Suite handles all this tasks and provides you the
opportunity of comfortable reading.
13.3.1 eReader Suite installation
a) Connect your eBook Reader to your PC or MAC using the included USB cable.
b) Make sure that your computer is connected to the Internet.
c) To start the installation, follow these steps:
Windows: In "M
Y COMPUTER", open the drive with the name "TREKSTOR" launch the
"EREADER SUITE" installation file and follow the instructions of the installer.
Mac OS: In the Finder window, select the "TREKSTOR" drive and drag the file "EREADER
SUITE" into the program folder. In the "PROGRAMS" folder, start the "EREADER SUITE" and
follow the instructions of the installer.
13.3.2 Using the TrekStor eReader Suite
The eReader Suite is divided into three areas: