7.4 Play Audio File
Move to the folder including backed up DVD files
When pressing [MENU] while playing a file, “Tool Box Menu” is displayed. Tool Box allows
using detailed playback function.
Function and Button Descriptions
Remote Control Function Descriptions
MENU Tool Box Tool Box is displayed. For returning to playback, press again.
Playback Play fi le.
Pause When pressing while playing a fi le, pause the playback. For returning to playback, press again.
Playback Next File
Play a next fi le after a current playback fi le.
* Play mode must be in Play all in order to use this function.
Playback Previous File
Play a previous fi le after a current playback fi le.
* Play mode must be in Play all in order to use this function.
Fast Forward Whenever pressing this button, play speed is changed with 2x, 4x 8x, 16x, 32x in forward.
Rewind Whenever pressing this button, play speed is changed with 8x, 16x, 32x in backward.
SEARCH Playback Time Enter your preferable playback time with [Number] and press [OK].
Volume Up
Volume Up.
*It is not possible to use this button when manual subtitle is displayed while playing audio fi le.
Direction S
Volume Down
Volume Down.
*It is not possible to use this button when manual subtitle is displayed while playing audio fi le.
Direction T
MUTE Sound Off Mute the sound. In order to hear sound, press this button again.
INFO Show File Information Show the fi le information which is being played. In order to hide the information, press this button again.
Brt. CONT Control luminosity, color depth, brightness
When pressing this button, 3 modes switch. After selecting a mode, change settings with ST arrow buttons.