Xantrex Technology GPIB-M-XT Power Supply User Manual

Power Supply Operation
54 Operating Manual for Multichannel Functionality (GPIB-M)
If the unit has shut down, resume operation by sending the "OUTP ON" command.
To support older revisions of firmware (1.5 and older),
[:]OUTPut[<channel>]:PROTection:CLEar command will still be
parsed and passed to other instruments on the CANbus.
Shutdown vs
If a protection setpoint is exceeded, the system does the following:
1. If :STATe has been set to ON, the unit shuts down.
(OVP does not have a settable :STATe. It is always ON.)
2. If :STATe has been set to OFF, the unit does not shut down but creates an alarm
by setting the appropriate bit in the questionable status register, which can be
queried remotely. See “Status Registers” on page 69 for more information.
WARNING- Fire Hazard
If an over-voltage or over-current protection error persists without apparent cause,
disable the output, and turn the AC switch OFF. Inspect the load and power supply
for evidence of an electrical fault. The power supply should not be brought back into
operation if there is any evidence of an electrical fire or other safety hazards.