Operating Modes
Use the Bank Two (right) switches to select printer operating modes.
When shipped from the factory, all switches are in the ON position.
This presets the printer to match the most commonly used modes of
operation - Tear-Off Mode, Non-continuous Media, Thermal Transfer
Operation, and RS-232 Serial Communications.
If your printer is equipped with an option such as rewind, peel-off, or
cutter, or if your application requires a different operating mode such as
direct thermal, or continuous media, refer to Table 9 for the appropriate
Bank Two switch settings.
NOTE: The printer automatically senses if a parallel communications
cable is connected from your host computer. The Bank One switches and
Bank Two switches 7 and 8 have no effect on parallel communications.
To see a printout of the printer configuration, perform the CANCEL
Key Self Test. See the “Troubleshooting” section for more details.
Z Series™ User’s Guide 59
Table 9. Bank 2 Switch Settings
DIP Switch
Thu Jun 18 16:03:34 1998
Color profile: Disabled
Composite Default screen