
Chapter 3: Menus
PCL Emul Menu
The PCL Emul Menu changes printer settings that affect jobs
printed using the PCL emulation printer language. For informa-
tion about the PCL emulation commands supported by your
printer, refer to the Technical Reference.
PCL Emul Menu
Menu item Values
Font Source Resident*
This printer setting allows you to select the source which contains the default font selection.
The value list only consists of font sources which exist on the printer. In other words, if no
download fonts exist in the printer’s memory and no flash or disk is installed, then Resident is
the only valid value for the Font Source.
If a flash or disk device is installed but it is read/write protected, then it is also not a valid
Saving Font Source, Font Name, Point Size, Pitch, or Symbol Set has the affect of
saving the selected font as the default.
Font Name Font position and font name for all fonts in the selected font source
(R0 Courier 10*)
Always select the font source before you select a font name. After you select a font source,
choose the specific font from the Font Name menu item. The printer displays the font source
abbreviation, font ID, and font name for each font. The font source abbreviation is R for
resident, F for flash, K for disk, and D for download.
To print a font sample list showing all the fonts available for PCL emulation, select Print Fonts
and then PCL Fonts from the Utilities Menu.
Saving Font Source, Font Name, Point Size, Pitch, or Symbol Set will save the selected
font as the default.
Point Size 1…1008 (in increments of 0.25)
If you chose a scalable typographic font, you can select the point size for the font. Point size
refers to the height of the characters in the font. One point equals approximately 1/72 of an
inch. You can select point sizes from 1 to 1008 in increments of 0.25 points.
Saving Font Source, Font Name, Point Size, Pitch, or Symbol Set will save the selected
font as the default.
*Factory default