
Chapter 5 - Troubleshooting and Diagnostics HCD-E1
Installation & Operation Manual
5-14 Performance Diagnostics Data 01/01/01 08:15
Current errored seconds (CURR ES)
An errored second is any second containing one or more CRC error
events, or one or more OOF events, or one or more controlled slip
events. The data is collected for the current 15-minute interval.
Current unavailable seconds (CURR UAS)
An unavailable second is any second in which a failed signal state exists.
A failed signal state is declared when 10 consecutive severely errored
seconds (SES) occur, and is cleared after 10 consecutive seconds of data
are processed without a SES.
Current severely errored seconds (CURR SES)
A SES is a second with 832 or more CRC error events, or one or more
OOF events. The data is collected for the current 15-minute interval.
Current bursty errored seconds (CURR BES)
A BES is a second with 2 to 831 CRC error events. The data is collected
for the current 15-minute interval.
Current loss of frame counter (CURR LOFC)
The loss of frame (LOF) counter counts the loss of frame alignment
events. The data is collected for the current 15-minute interval.
Current slip second counter (CURR CSS)
A CSS is a second with one or more controlled slip events. The data is
collected for the current 15-minute interval.
Current seconds (CURR SECS)
The number of seconds in the current measurement interval. A
measurement interval has 900 seconds (15 minutes).
This register is called “CURRENT TIMER” on the control terminal.
HCD-E1 also provides support for long-term statistics gathered over the
long-term interval (96 15-minute intervals, i.e., a total of 24 hours) for the E1
port. The additional parameters included in this class are:
Long-term errored seconds (L.TERM ES)
The total number of ES in the current 24-hour interval.
Long-term fail seconds (L.TERM UAS)
The total number of UAS in the current 24-hour interval.
Long-term severely errored seconds (L.TERM SES)
The total number of SES in the current 24-hour interval.