
HCD-E1 Installation & Operation Manual Chapter 5 - Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
01/01/01 08:15 Performance Diagnostics Data 5-15
Long-term bursty errored seconds (L.TERM BES)
The total number of BES in the current 24-hour interval.
Long-term loss of frame counter (L.TERM LOFC)
The total number of LOF events in the current 24-hour interval.
Long-term slip second counter (L.TERM CSS)
The total number of CSS in the current 24-hour interval.
Long-term interval (L.TERM INT)
The number of valid 15-minute intervals in the previous 24 hour period.
Current degraded minutes (CUR DEG MIN)
The total number of degraded minutes in the current 24-hour interval. A
degraded minute is a minute in which the bit error rate (BER) exceeded
. This number is updated every minute.
Last degraded minutes (LST DEG MIN)
The total number of degraded minutes in the last 24-hour interval. This
number is updated every 24 hours.
E1 Performance Monitoring with CRC-4 Disabled
In this case HCD-E1 does not support the capabilities listed above, but is
capable of gathering the number of bipolar violations measured during the
last minute.
The performance evaluation and monitoring parameters collected by the
HCD-E1 when the CRC-4 function is disabled are listed below:
Bipolar violations last minute count (BPV COUNT)
The total number of bipolar violations counted in the last minute. This
number is updated every minute.
Bipolar violations worst count (BPV WORST)
The number of bipolar violations counted in the worst minute since the
last resetting of the BPV count. This number is updated every minute.