
Chapter 5 - Troubleshooting and Diagnostics HCD-E1
Installation & Operation Manual
5-16 Performance Diagnostics Data 01/01/01 08:15
Summary of E1
Table 5-3 gives a summary of the performance diagnostics data displayed
under the header PORT DIAGNOSTICS on the HCD-E1 front panel.
Table 5-3 Summary of E1 Performance Monitoring
Display Description Range
ERROR CRC The number of CRC error events recorded since the last time the register
was cleared. The display is updated every second.
0 - 1000
AV ERR CRC The average number of CRC error events recorded since the last time the
register was cleared. The display is updated every second.
0 - 1000
CURR ES Number of ES measured during the current 15-minute interval. The
display is updated every second.
0 - 900
CURR UAS Number of UAS measured during the current 15-minute interval. The
display is updated every second.
0 - 900
CURR SES Number of SES measured during the current 15-minute interval. The
display is updated every second.
0 - 900
CURR BES Number of BES measured during the current 15-minute interval. The
display is updated every second.
0 - 900
CURR LOFC Number of loss of frame synchronization events measured during the
current 15-minute interval. The display is updated every second.
0 - 255
CURR CSS Number of CSS measured during the current 15-minute interval. The
display is updated every second.
0 - 255
on the terminal)
The time in seconds that expired from the start of the current 15-minute
interval. The display is updated every second.
0 - 900
L.TERM ES Number of ES measured during the current 24-hour interval. The display
is updated every 15 minutes.
0 - 65535
L.TERM UAS Number of UAS measured during the current 24-hour interval. The
display is updated every 15 minutes.
0 - 65535
L.TERM SES Number of SES measured during the current 24-hour interval. The
display is updated every 15 minutes.
0 - 65535
L.TERM BES Number of BES measured during the current 24-hour interval. The
display is updated every 15 minutes.
0 - 65535
L.TRM LOFC Number of loss of frame synchronization events measured during the
current 24-hour interval. The display is updated every 15 minutes.
0 - 255
L.TERM CSS Number of CSS measured during the current 24-hour interval. The
display is updated every 15 minutes.
0 - 255
L.TERM INT The number of 15-minute intervals that expired from the start of the
current 24-hour interval. The display is updated every 15 minutes.
0 - 96
CUR DEG MIN Number of degraded minutes measured during the last 24 hours. The
display is updated every minute.
0 - 1440