
HCD-E1 Installation & Operation Manual Chapter 5 - Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
01/01/01 08:15 Performance Diagnostics Data 5-17
Table 5-3 Summary of E1 Performance Monitoring (Cont.)
Display Description Range
LST DEG MIN Last 24-hour count of degraded minutes. The display is updated every 24
0 - 1440
BPV COUNT The total number of BPV errors during the last minute The display is
updated every minute.
0 - 9999
BPV WORST The number of BPV errors measured during the worst minute. The
display is updated every minute.
0 - 9999
HDSL Performance
This section describes the performance evaluation and monitoring functions
provided by HCD-E1 with respect to the HDSL transmission performance on
each line.
The HDSL performance monitoring parameters are listed below:
Current errored seconds (ES)
An errored second is any second containing one or more errored blocks,
or the occurrence of a severely disturbed period (SDP). The data is
collected for the current 15-minute interval.
Current unavailable seconds (UAS)
An unavailable second is any second in which a failed signal state exists.
A failed signal state is declared when 10 consecutive severely errored
seconds (SES) occur, and is cleared after 10 consecutive seconds of data
are processed without a SES. The data is collected for the current 15
minute interval.
Current severely errored seconds (SES)
A SES is a second with more than 30% errored blocks or one or more
SDP's. The data is collected for the current 15-minute interval.
Current background block error (BBE)
A BBE is an errored block not occurring during an SES. The data is
collected for the current 15-minute interval.
Errored Seconds Ratio (ESR)
The ratio of ES to the total seconds in the current 15-minute interval (not
displayed on the LCD).
Severely errored seconds ratio (SESR)
The ratio of SES to the total seconds in the current 15-minute interval
(not displayed on the LCD).