
Chapter 9 The VoIP General Screens
WiMAX Device Configuration User’s Guide
9.6 Technical Reference
The following section contains additional technical information about the WiMAX Device features
described in this chapter.
9.6.1 DSCP and Per-Hop Behavior
DiffServ defines a new DS (Differentiated Services) field to replace the Type of Service (TOS) field
in the IP header. The DS field contains a 2-bit unused field and a 6-bit DSCP field which can define
up to 64 service levels. The following figure illustrates the DS field.
Figure 88 DiffServ: Differentiated Service Field
DSCP is backward compatible with the three precedence bits in the ToS octet so that non-DiffServ
compliant, ToS-enabled network device will not conflict with the DSCP mapping.
The DSCP value determines the forwarding behavior, the PHB (Per-Hop Behavior), that each packet
gets across the DiffServ network. Based on the marking rule, different kinds of traffic can be
marked for different priorities of forwarding. Resources can then be allocated according to the DSCP
values and the configured policies.
Short Number This field displays the abbreviated number you want to use to substitute for the
real (actual) phone number in the following Real Number field.
When the rule is activated, you can press the assigned Short Number to dial the
Real Number.
Real Number This field displays the actual phone number you want the WiMAX Device to call
when you use the specified Short Number.
Enter the actual phone number you want the WiMAX Device to call when you use
the specified Short Number if you are editing the entry.
Notes This field displays additional information for this speed-dial rule.
Enter additional information or any remark for this speed-dial rule if your are
editing the entry.
Remove Click this to remove the rule.
Add Click this to add a new speed-dial rule.
Click this to save the changes you made in this table.
Table 69 Speed Dial (continued)