Maintaining Groups
Server Feature Commands
3Com Advanced Server feature commands for NetWare can be used to create sophisticated
configurations of groups and for troubleshooting. You can enter them at the NetWare command
line or add them to the appropriate NCF file. The commands are summarized below.
As shown in the examples, all commands are preceded by the keyword lbrsl.
This command creates groups from specified slot parameters for primary and secondary NICs.
display status
This command displays information about all groups, or if a primary slot parameter is
specified, only about the specified group. A separate message is displayed for each loaded
frame type. Board numbers are also displayed. Information about the relationship
between the board numbers and the frame types is shown in the NetWare 5 Console
Monitor. On the Available Options screen, select LAN/WAN drivers for this information.
Syntax lbrsl group lb addr RxIPAddr pri_slot sec_slot
[sec_slot ...]
lbrsl group rsl pri_slot sec_slot
lb specifies a load balancing group.
rsl specifies a resilient server link group.
RxIPAddr is a dedicated IP address for the load balancing
pri_slot is the PCI slot number of the primary NIC.
sec_slot is the PCI slot number of a secondary NIC.
Example lbrsl group lb addr 10001
lbrsl group rsl 10001 10002
Default None
Syntax lbrsl display status [pri_slot]
pri_slot is the PCI slot number of the primary NIC in
the group for which information is to be displayed. If
this parameter is not specified, information for all
groups is displayed. An example of the type of
information displayed follows:
Group NNN (LB group)
Primary board id: Original NNN, Current NNN
Load balancing on incoming IP packets: Enabled; IP Rx
Primary node address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Timeout values in seconds: send NNN, receive NNN,
wait NNN, link NNN
Probe Interval: NNN seconds
Slot number NNN (Active), Node Address:
Example lbrsl display status 10001