4.2 Choosing the right file formats for the printing
Like in Photo Express, in many image editing software, more
than one image file format are supported for editing and output
use. But which formats are good enough for the printing? Here
you will be introduced some ordinary formats and which ones
are appropriate for FotoPrisa Printer output.
*.bmp (Bitmap)
It’s the simplest way to store the data by mapping the
digitalized image into a grid of pixels. Each Pixel contains 3
values of R(Red), G(Green), B(Blue) which are defined by a
specific number of bits (usually it’s 8 bits for each color for most
of popular image editing software which support 24 bits of color
processing). It expresses the most real quality but has the
biggest data size.
*.gif (Graphics Interchange Format)
A format widely used in World Wide Web for efficient
communication. The limitation of this format is that it can only
express 256-color image. Most of the time, we see the banners,
animated pictures and icons in this format.
*.jpg (JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group)
A compression method that was developed to create a standard
for sending images over digital communication lines. Most high
and true color images compressed with it show little or no
degradation; thus it has become one of the most popular
formats in use today.