Acer 300P Printer User Manual

Image dimension and resolution
Image dimension indicates the very dimension of an image you
will see on physical printouts. The difference between image
dimension and image size is that image size is the absolute size
of the image, while image dimension is subject to change by
applying different printing resolutions when you print the image.
If you enlarge the image dimension without changing the image
resolution, you will see that although the image dimension
becomes larger, its quality becomes rather degraded.
Below you will be shown how to adjust the resolution and
dimension of an image with Photo Express to best-fit full-size
FotoPrisa Printer printing use.
How to check the image dimension before you print
In Photo Express, you can check the image dimension by doing
the following:
1. Open an image from either a file or from the Album.
2. On the Command Panel, click “Edit”, then “Adjust”.
3. On the Tool Bar, click “Size”.
4. The related information will be shown on the Options
Panel. Here you can check the dimension of the image.
There are various ways to check image
dimension in different image editing
software. Please refer to the instructions of
your image editing software.