Step 1: Installing Adaptec Storage Manager ● 26
Completing a Silent Installation (Advanced)
A silent installation uses command line parameters to complete an
installation without messages or user interaction.
To complete a silent installation:
1 Insert the Adaptec Storage Manager CD into your CD drive.
2 Open a command prompt window and change to the CD directory.
3 Install Adaptec Storage Manager using this command line string:
setup.exe /s /v“ /qn <OPTIONS>”
This table describes the command line options. Multiple features
can be separated with commas.
Option Required Values
\“path to installation directory\”
The installation path must be enclosed in
escaped quotation marks.
For example:
INSTALLDIR=\“C:\Program Files\Adaptec\
Adaptec Storage Manager\”
ADDLOCAL No ■ All—(Default) Installs all features.
■ Manager—Installs Adaptec Storage
■ SNMPSupport—Installs SNMP support;
requires Manager feature. (See page 153 for
more information.)
■ ASMReadme—Installs the Readme file and
Start menu shortcut.
■ CLITools—Installs Command Line
Interface tools.
Note: Use commas to separate multiple
■ Force—(Default) Forces a reboot at the
end of the installation.
■ Suppress—Suppresses a reboot unless files
were in use and could not be overwritten
during installation.
■ ReallySuppress—Suppresses all reboots at
the end of the installation.