Step 4: Building Your Storage Space ● 51
Next Steps
If you have installed Adaptec RAID controllers on more than one
computer, to continue building your storage space:
● From each computer, log in to Adaptec Storage Manager and repeat
Steps 1 to 7 to create logical drives.
From your
local system
(the computer you’re working on), log in to all
other computers in your storage space as
remote systems
(see page 61),
then repeat Steps 1 to 7 to create logical drives.
The maximum number of supported RAID controllers varies
depending on your operating system. See RAID Controller Support on
page 59 for more information.
To continue, see Managing Your Storage Space on page 59.
Custom Configuration (Advanced)
Custom configuration helps you build your storage space manually by
stepping you through the process of creating logical drives, setting
RAID levels, and configuring other settings.
To build your storage space with custom configuration:
1 In the Enterprise View, click the controller you want.
Note how many available disk drives are connected to the controller;
this information will be helpful as you create logical drives.
2 On the toolbar, click Create.