14 Running the Pre-Installation Script
Running the Pre-Installation Script
StorNext includes a script called snPreInstall that you can run before installing the software. The
output of this script indicates whether your system meets the minimum disk space requirements
required for the installation.
If your local system does not have sufficient disk space for the software installation, the script will warn
you so you can add more disk space before proceeding with the installation.
Minimum disk space amounts (in MB) are provided for the following directories:
• Database
• Journal
• Mapping
• Metadata
• Backup
When you run the snPreInstall script, you must provide answers about your system configuration
so the script can determine space requirements. You will be asked to do the following:
• Specify whether you are performing a StorNext upgrade or a new installation
• Estimate the maximum number of additional directories (in millions) you anticipate
• Estimate the approximate number of additional files (in millions) you anticipate
• Enter the number of copies for each file
• Enter the number of versions you plan to keep for each file
Based on the information you provide about your system, the script will calculate space requirements.
If the script says you have sufficient space, you can proceed with the installation. If you do not have
sufficient space, you must add more disk space before installing the StorNext software.
The snPreInstall script ignores all unmounted file systems. Only mounted
local file systems are considered when the script runs and makes its
calculations. Before running the snPreInstall script, be sure to mount all
local file systems you want the script to consider.
If you are performing an upgrade, the file systems that currently contain
existing TSM support directories will be reported. Additionally, you will be asked
about other local file systems to include when calculating space requirements.
If you are performing a new installation, you will be asked whether all local file
systems should be included when calculating space requirements.
When performing either an upgrade or new installation, you can eliminate from
consideration file systems you do not want used for StorNext support