Airlink101 APO1000 Network Router User Manual

3.5 System Status
This section breaks down into subsections of System Overview, Associated Clients Status, WDS Link Status, Extra
Information and Event Log.
3.5.1 System Overview
Display detailed information of System, Network, LAN and Wireless in the System Overview page.
System : Display information of the system.
Î System Name : The name of the system.
Î Operating Mode : The mode currently in service.
Î Location : Deployed geographical location.
Î Description : A description of the system.
Î Firmware Version : The current installed firmware version.
Î Firmware Date : The build time of installed firmware.
Î Device Time : The current time of the system.
Î System Up Time : The time period that system has been in service since last reboot.
Network Information : Display information of the Network.
Î Mode : Supports Static or Dynamic modes on the LAN interface.
Î IP Address : The management IP of system. By default, it’s
Î IP Netmask : The network mask. By default, it’s
Î IP Gateway : The gateway IP address and by default, it’s