Î User Name : Enter User Name for PPPoE connection
Î Password : Enter Password for PPPoE connection
Î Reconnect Mode :
9 Always on – A connection to Internet is always maintained.
9 On Demand – A connection to Internet is made as needed.
When Time Server is enabled at the “On Demand” mode, the “Reconnect Mode” will turn out “Always on”.
9 Manual – Click the “Connect” button on “WAN Information” in the Overview page to connect to the Internet.
Î Idle Time : Time to last before disconnecting PPPoE session when it is idle. Enter preferred Idle Time in minutes.
Î MTU : By default, it’s 1492 bytes. MTU stands for Maximum Transmission Unit. Consult with WISP for a correct MTU
DNS : Check “No Default DNS Server” or “Specify DNS Server IP” radial button as desired to set up system DNS.
Î Primary : The IP address of the primary DNS server.
Î Secondary : The IP address of the secondary DNS server.
MAC Clone : The MAC address is a 12-digit HEX code uniquely assigned to hardware as identification. Some ISPs
require you to register a MAC address in order to access to Internet. If not, you could use default MAC or clone MAC
from a PC.
Î Keep
Default MAC Address : Keep the default MAC address of WAN port on the system.
Î Clone MAC Address : If you want to clone the MAC address of the PC, then click the Clone MAC Address button.
The system will automatically detect your PC's MAC address.